Couples massage course, teaching Aarhus and Holbæk
Teach your partner, girlfriend, child to give and receive massage
Offered by Pia in Holbæk and Århus
New course where you learn to give each other a massage. Especially for couples, friends or parent/child.
The couples massage course is for you who would like to be able to both give and receive a good wellness massage without having to book an appointment at a clinic.
During the 3-hour course, you learn in pairs to give each other a good and relaxing massage - with a special focus on the individual's possible challenges. So if your partner e.g. suffer from back pain, you will learn how to go in and properly release the tension - and of course the same applies the other way round.
The couples massage course can also be used by you who are parents and would like to learn how to give your child a good massage - and at the same time teach the child a little about massage. Or it can be for friends who are just curious to learn more about massage.
With regular treatments, it can have an even better effect and can provide better night's sleep, more peace in everyday life and a general feeling of well-being.
What do you learn on the couples massage course?

On the massage course, you get an introduction to giving massages. For one thing, of course, the gentle strokes, but where and when can and should one go more in-depth?
You will also get a brief overview of contraindications - i.e. in the places that should not be massaged. At the same time, you will receive thorough guidance in the use of cupping and learn about the special points that focusing on can give an extra good effect.
Rental of towels and sheets is included in the price, and you will be given a cupping set as well as oil and massage lotion for use during treatment at home.
Price: DKK 2,100 . incl. towels and sheets
Time: 3 hours
Customers say:
We visited the Clinic for Muscle Therapy on 20/10/2023 to get massage lessons for 2.
Pia is a skilled masseuse and she is good at learning from herself. We felt safe throughout and we learned to massage each other in the 3 hours. We were subsequently handed a set with everything we need so that we can continue massaging at home. We can recommend others to book a course with Pia and it is easy to use what we have learned at home.
Kenneth and Tenna

" Attending a couple's massage course with Pia is not only enormously educational, it is also cozy and an absolutely fantastic way to be together as a couple. Pia is sweet, smiling, welcoming and extremely dedicated. It is clear to feel her passion for the massage throughout the session. You are safely and quietly led through a massage of the whole body of your partner, while Pia thoroughly explains the "do's and don'ts".
Afterwards, you switch places with your partner, so that both try to receive and give a massage. It all becomes very concrete, and you take a lot of learning home with you.
A truly present and wonderful experience that all couples, or other interested parties, should treat themselves/each other to.
Pia gets our highest recommendations
Best regards, Kenneth and Nadia”